
Soar's health check command is designed to quickly identify potential issues with your soar installation, missing binaries, broken packages, and broken symlinks.


To check for soar health, run:

soar health


When executed, this command:

  • Checks if the Soar binary path is included in the PATH environment variable.
  • Lists broken packages (incomplete package installations).
  • Lists broken symlinks (dangling symlinks created by Soar that no longer point to valid files).


  • If no issues are found, it reports a healthy system.
  • If issues are detected, it provides detailed output, including:
    • A list of broken packages with their package names, and install paths.
    • A list of broken symlinks.
    • Suggested commands to fix these issues.

Fixing Issues

  • Remove broken packages
    soar clean --broken
  • Remove broken symlinks
    soar clean --broken-symlinks

Example Usage

$ soar health

Example Output (No Issues)

No broken packages found.
No broken symlinks found.

Example Output (With Issues)

[WARN] /home/user/.local/share/soar/bin is not in PATH. Please add it to PATH to use installed binaries.

Broken Packages (2):
cat#test: /home/user/.local/share/soar/packages/cat-test-q1235
ls#test: /home/user/.local/share/soar/packages/ls-test-q2345
Broken packages can be uninstalled using command: soar clean --broken

Broken Symlinks (1):
Broken symlinks can be removed using command: soar clean --broken-symlinks